期刊名称:The Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations = Revista Română de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice
出版社:National School of Political Studies and Public Administration
摘要:With a relatively recent history, the concept of framing has known a flourishing development, being with-out any doubt one of the key theories in current mass communication research. Although the growing num-ber of studies on the topic of framing, seeking to understand what framing is and how frames manifestthemselves in a number of different sites and across a number of domains, there is no consensus regardingthe meaning of this powerful concept. With few exceptions, most of the scholars reduce framing only to writ-ten words, fully ignoring the visual cues within news stories. This study aims at filling this gap, bringing newtheoretical explanations and trying to make some clear conceptual clarifications. Thus, the paper will addressthe following questions: How have meanings of framings have evaluated across time.; What are the limita-tions of these definitions.; How do visual cues function as agents of framing. As a theoretical paper, this ar-ticle explores the integrative approach on framing, urging researchers to start conducting more framinganalysis which combine both verbal and visual elements in news coverage
关键词:integrative approach to framing; verbal framing; visual framing; non-verbal cues