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  • 标题:Uses of ICT in Agriculture
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  • 作者:Manish Mahant ; Abhishek Shukla ; Sunil Dixit
  • 期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Research
  • 印刷版ISSN:2249-7277
  • 电子版ISSN:2277-7970
  • 出版年度:2011
  • 卷号:2011
  • 出版社:Association of Computer Communication Education for National Triumph (ACCENT)
  • 摘要:The ap plication of Informatio n a nd Communicati on Technol ogy (ICT) in agri culture i s increasingly imp o rtant. E-Agriculture i s a n emerg ing fiel d fo cusi ng on the enhancement of agriculture and rural d evel opment t hrough imp roved information and communica tion processes. More specifically, e-a griculture involves t he conceptua lizat ion, design, develop ment, evaluat ion and a pplication o f innovati ve ways to use informat ion and communicati on technolo gies (ICT) in rura l do main, wit h a p rima ry fo cus on agricult ure. E-Agri culture is a rela tively new t erm. E-Agricul ture is o ne of the a ction lines id enti fied in the declaration and plan of a ction of the WORL D SUMMIT ON THE INF ORMATION SOCIETY. T he Foo d and Agricul ture Orga niza tion of U nited Nat ions (FA O) has been assigned the resp onsi bility of o rga nizing activiti es related to the actio n li ne C.7 ICT Applications on E-Ag riculture. The ma in p hases o f the ag riculture industry a re : Crop Cul tivation, Wa ter Management , Fertilizer Appl ication, Fertigat ion, Pest Ma nag ement, Harvesting, Post Harvest Ha ndling, Transporti ng o f Fo od/Food Prod ucts, Packagi ng, Foo d Preservatio n, Food Pro cessing /Val ue Addit ion, Food Qua lity Ma nagement, Food Safety, Food Sto rage, Food ma rketi ng. All stakehold ers of ag riculture ind ustry need info rma tion and kno wled ge a bout these phases to mana ge them efficiently. Any system a pplied fo r getting informat ion and kno wledge for making decisio ns in any industry sho uld deli ver a ccurate, complete, concise info rma tion n time or on time. The informatio n provid ed b y the system must be in user-fri endl y form, easy to a ccess, co st -effective and well pro tected from una utho rized access. Info rma tion and Communica tion Technolo gy (ICT) ca n pl ay a significa nt role in ma intai ning the abo ve ment ioned properties of info rma tion as i t consists of t hree mai n techno logies. They are: Co mputer Technolo gy, Communicat ion Technology and Info rmat ion Manag ement Technol ogy. These technolo gies are app lied for processi ng, exchangi ng a nd ma naging da ta, i nformati on and knowledge
  • 关键词:E-Agricu lture; I nformation; Tech nology; Enh ancement of ;Agricultu re; Rural Segment