期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Research
出版社:Association of Computer Communication Education for National Triumph (ACCENT)
摘要:SVM have met t he signi ficant success in numerous real -world ap plications. The SVM is wi dely used cla ssifier. Obtaining the b est result wi th SVM requires an understa nding of thei r wo rking and va rious wa ys a user an influence their a ccuracy, so we provide the concept a bout the SVM a lgori thm. We introduce a algorithm fo r performing ima ge comp ression based on the SVM a lgorithm. Thi s alg orithm is used to fo rm t he clustering . We also to use the SVM al gorit hm for image reco gnit ion a pplicatio n.
关键词:SVM algorithm or classi fier; image compression; ;cl usteri ng; i mage recogniti on