期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Research
出版社:Association of Computer Communication Education for National Triumph (ACCENT)
摘要:Transmissi on Control Pro toco l (TCP) is the do minating end-to-end transp ort layer p roto col which provides secure and relia ble data tra nsfer to gether with some other protocols. In this review pa per, we contend tha t existing a ppro aches to improve TCP performance over mobile a d-hoc networks have focused onl y on a subset o f the fa ctors affecting TCP p erfo rmance b y TCP Reno , SACK and Vegas. Effective resource utiliza tion, such a s ba ndwidth utili zatio n, retransmission rat e and windo w si ze, i s compared. for evaluate these TCP cong estio n contro l a lgori thms fro m many aspect s are present a nd We also co ncern fa ir resource al loca tion from two main cat egories, o ne i s fa irness between different delay links, and the other is competition between different TCP congestion co ntro l algorithms.
关键词:TCP Reno; SACK an d Vegas; TCP; MANET s; Wi reles s; ;routing protocol; data transmi ssion s; destin ation ; TCP ;perfo rmance; TCP' s timers