期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Research
出版社:Association of Computer Communication Education for National Triumph (ACCENT)
摘要:The definit ion of what const itutes a rep licat e ha s somewhat di fferent i nterpreta tions. For insta nce, so me define a replicate a s having the exact syntacti c terms a nd sequence, whether ha ving formatti ng di fferences or not. I n effect, there are eit her no d ifference or o nly formatting di fferences and the co ntent s of the data are exactly t he same. In a ny case, da ta repli catio n happens all the time. In la rge data wa reho uses, da ta replication is an inevitable pheno meno n as millions of data are gathered at very short int erva ls. In thi s pa per we p rovide a detail result anal ysis on the ba sis o f our ap proach a nd the previous one