期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:PEER-TO-PEER (P2 P) n etworks are se lf-confi gurin g ne tworks with minimal or no central control. P2P network s ar e more vulne rabl e to dissemination of malicious or spurious conten t, malicious code, viruse s, worms , and Trojans than the traditional client-server n etworks, due to th eir u nregulate d an d un man aged nature. By introduction of a central tru sted auth ority like a Certificate Auth ority (CA) can reduce the diffi culty of se curin g P2P ne tworks. The major disadvantage of the cen traliz ed approach is , if the central authority turns mal iciou s, the network will become vulne rable. The re putations of the pe ers are used to de term ine wheth er a peer is a mali ciou s peer or a good peer. Once dete cted, the mali cious peers are ostracized from the ne twork as the good peers do n ot pe rform any transactions with the malicious peers . Expulsion of mali cious peers from th e network significantly re duces th e volume of malici ous activities . All peers in the P2P ne twork are iden tified by i dentity ce rtificates (aqu a ide ntity). The reputati on of a give n pee r is attached to its identity. The identi ty ce rtificates are generated using self -certi fication, and all pe ers maintain th eir own (and h ence trus ted) certificate auth ority whi ch is sues the identity certificate(s) to the pe er. Each peer owns the reputation in formation pertai ning to all its past trans actions with other peers in the n etwork, and stores it locally. A two-party cryptographi c protocol not only prote cts the reputation i nformation from its own er, but also facilitates secure exchange of repu tation information betwee n the two pe ers participating in a transaction
关键词:Peer-to-pee r ne tworks; Blow fish algori thm; repu tation; distribute d sys tems ; security