期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) con sists of mobi le wi reless no des. The communicati on b etween these mobile nod es is carried out witho ut a ny centra lized control. MANET is a self orga nized and self configurable network where the mobi le no des move arb itrarily. The main classes of MANET routing proto cols are Proa ctive, Reactive and Hybrid . In this pap er we co mpare performance of Proa ctive routing pro tocol by focusing on Op timi zed Link Stat e Ro uting (OLSR) and Reacti ve Routing Protocol by focusing o n Ad Ho c On Demand Di stance Vector (AO DV). In this pa per our simulatio n too l wi ll be OPNET mod eler. The performance of these rout i ng pro tocol s is ana lysed by three metrics: delay, network load and thro ughput. This pap er p resents a performance analysi s of two Mobil e Ad Hoc Netwo rk (MANET) rout ing proto cols - AO DV and OLSR. For t he beha viour simulatio n and evalua tion of these protocols we used the OPNET Mo deler simulat ion too l. Ea ch routi ng p rotocol wa s co nfigured into two network scenarios with the defa ult a nd modi fied parameters in order to achieve bet ter tra nsmi ssio n characterist ics. The fina l evalua tion is p resented at the end of t his pap er.
关键词:MANET; A ODV ; OLSR; OP NET Si mula tor; Routing Pro toco ls