期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Du e to enormous growth of internet, demands for multi ple access and requ est fo r ser vices have also increased sign ificantly. I n a re sult there is a rise i n packet l oss ra tes and d rop in network efficiency. In additi on, the in abili ty to support n ew services has severel y hindered the widesp read deploym ent of bandwidth -sensitive applicati ons. Acti ve Queue Man agement (AQM) algori thms have bee n design ed to be able to actively control the average queue length in rou ters supportin g TCP traffic, and thus to be able to pr even t congestion and resu lting packet loss a s mu ch as po ssible. Th is paper focuse s on how congestion control and queu e managemen t techni ques have evol ved i n du e cou rse of time and being modi fied to mi nimi ze th e rate of packet loss. Thi s paper specifically classifi es th e wide range of available AQM algorithms.
关键词:Active Queue Management; TCP; RED; Drop Probability; BLUE; AVQ; GREEN