期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Mobi le ad hoc network (MANET) is an autonomou s sys tem of mobile nodes conne cted by wirele ss links without ce ntral infrastructu re. Each n ode operates not only as an end syste m, but al so as a router to forward the pack ets. The nodes are free to move about and organ ize themselve s into a network and chan ges position frequently so that network topol ogy unpredictably changes dynamically. He nce MANETS are bes t su ited for the appli cations in which the re is not requ irement for e xistin g un derl ying infrastructu re. In thi s paper, the au thor will provide an overvie w of routing protocol, traffic types, underlyi ng is sues and challenges re lated to se curi ty, mobili ty an d res ource li mitation and also give possible s oluti on for the m
关键词:Band width-constrained; security; Uni cas ting; Multicas ting; Ene rgy conservation