期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Software engineering mean s the application of a systematic, disciplin ed and quantifiabl e approach to the development , operation, and maintenan ce of software. As we are be comi ng more and more reliant on software syste ms, more effort is being pu t on developmen t of efficient, reliable and cost-effective software. Software measurement h elps us u nderstand software, manage a software project and improve the software process itself. We bel ieve a method of definin g software data sets is ne cessa ry to en sure th at software data a re tru stworthy. Softwar e co mpan ies i ntroducin g a measurement program need to establ ish proc edures to coll ect and store trustworthy mea sure ment data. Wi thou t appropri ate defini tions it is difficult to ensure data val ues are repeatable and compar able . S oftware qu ality analysis of program modules with identifies defect o r quality-based clas s labels. Hen ce it is vital to develop a tool for effectu al software de sign. Thi s paper pr esen ts ou r app roach on design a web based tool for integratin g the estimation (using COCOMO II model ), plannin g & tracking, cali bration process and software matri ces u sed to evalu ate softwa re defects. Software de sign patterns based on C&K an d Mood matrices.
关键词:COCOMO-II; Matrices; S oftware design ; Estimation; S oftware Defec ts