期刊名称:European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation
出版社:Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
摘要:Competition between tourism destinations on national, regional and local lev-els continues to intensify due to the pressure of globalization (Friedman, 2006). Accordingly, destination Management Organizations (dMOs) have to constantly reevaluate and re-engineer H[LVWLQJWRXULVPRIIHUVWRUHSRVLWLRQWKHPVHOYHVLQDKLJKO\FRPSHWLWLYHWRXULVPPDUNHW$Wthe same time, tourism development pressures destination areas through increased resource consumption and, land fragmentation while policy measures to promote more sustainable tourism are progressing only slowly due to local resistance. Therefore, destinations are one RIWKHPRVWGLI¨¤FXOWHQWLWLHVWRPDQDJHEHFDXVHRIGLYHUVHRIWHQFRQ¨¢LFWLQJLQWHUHVWVRIGLI-ferent stakeholder groups (Carmin et al., &RQVHTXHQWO\¨¤QGLQJWKHULJKWEDODQFHEH-tween the economic development of tourism destinations, the conservation of their resources and the well-being of the local population has become a challenging task for many dMOs 1RWDUVWHIDQR 7KHDLPRIWKLVSDSHULVWRSUHVHQWWKHUHVXOWVRIH[SORUDWRU\UHVHDUFKconducted in 2011 in seven European countries among 72 managers of destination Manage-ment Organizations (dMOs). The research objective was to evaluate the dMOs' efforts and their role in the set-up and implementation of sustainable tourism principles in the manage-ment of tourist destinations by means of a quantitative and qualitative analysis.
关键词:estination marketing & strategy planning; ;destination management organization (;d;MO); ;sustainable tourism development; long-term competitiveness; new demand of XXI century