期刊名称:European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation
出版社:Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
摘要:Slow philosophy is gaining support in society and making substantial changes in the way we understand the consumption of goods and services and it is also bringing about change in terms of trends in tourist demand. Following this premise, the aim of this paper is WR¨¤QGRXWWKHHIIHFWVRI¡äVORZQHVV¦ÌRQWRXULVPDQGWKHSRWHQWLDOHPHUJHQFHRIDQHZJHQ-HUDWLRQRI¡äVORZ¦ÌWRXULVWV7KHFRQFOXVLRQVLQFOXGHWKHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQRIWKHGH¨¤QLWLRQRI"slow" tourist as a consumer permeableto the genius loci, as opposed to the "repellent" tourist, impermeableWRWKHH[SHULHQFHRIWUDYHOOLQJKeywords: tourist demand, qualitative approach, "slow" tourism, repulsive tourism, sustainability