摘要:This book is a collection of articles, edited by Saul Pleeter, which stem from a workshop on the methodology of economic impact analysis held in Oxford, Ohio, in 1977. It covers, at various levels of sophistication, a fairly wide range of topics related to regional change. Let me sayat the outset that this is a useful, worthwhile book. It offers something to the whole spectrum of individuals interested in regional analysis, from the second year student who has just completed a course on economic geography to the postdoctoral fellow extending his dissertation research. The third year student willlearn a great deal more about the finer points of the use of the location quotient or the minimum requirements technique than from any other single book since Isard's Methods of Regional Analysis. The book breaks new ground in the use of these simple techniques and in modifying and upgrading other methods of analysis, while at the same time warning of the potential these techniques have for achieving spurious results through the introduction of errors inherent in the assumptions. In sorne cases, however, a bit more emphatic word of caution in their use would have been desirable.