摘要:With the decrease in fertility experienced by most developed countries since the early or mid-sixties, internai migration has become a very influential factor in determining the level and socioeconomic composition of regional and urban populations. Accordingly, this phenomenon has attracted the interests of social scientists in many fields, and it is now a major subject in regional and urban research. In fact, in the Silver Anniversary issue of the Journal of Regional Science (volume 25, number 4) published in November 1985, internai migration was one of only seven topics seen as having contributed substantially to this field. As guest editors of this special issue, we deliberately avoided looking at internai migration from the narrow perspective of one or two disciplines. Instead we chose to exemplify the interdisciplinary character of migration research by assembling a set of papers from a number of disciplines, as manifested by the departmental affiliations of the various authors. In this way, a wide range of issues concerning internai migration could be covered.