摘要:According to Lee's (1966) typology of migration factors, a comprehensive explanation of the migration process should incorporate both ecological and personal factors. Ecological factors describe the objective (physical and social) environments that provide information on regional attractiveness or repulsiveness, while personal factors affect the ways in which information is perceived and used to determine the actuallevel of satisfaction to be achieved by potential migrants. Until recently, limited access to detailed data on the personal attributes of migrants and non-migrants restricted most explanatory analyses of interregional migration in Canada to the use of ecological factors only (for example, origin and destination wage levels). But, thanks to the so-called Public Use Sampie (PUS) micro data files prepared by Statistics Canada From each quinquennial census since 1971, useful information on many personal attributes is now available (despite sorne inherent limitations) for incorporation, along with ecological factors, into an explanatory or projection migration mode!.