摘要:We appreciate the interest in our article (Garshick et al. 2012). In his letter, Morfeld suggests that the analytic approach used for Cox proportional hazard regression model.ing included two similar adjustments for year of birth. We disagree with this comment. In the analysis, risk sets were generated using attained age as the timeline. An ordinal variable for calendar year was included as a covariate; thus, we do agree that our approach adjusted for exact year of birth.We also stratified the analysis on decade of hire (four groups) and age in 1985 (four groups). We stratified on decade of hire to adjust for different unmeasured work prac.tices and vehicle characteristics. We stratified on age in 1985 because the age at which per.sons enter the study is a determinant of lung cancer risk; participants had to be healthy enough to remain employed to enter the cohort in 1985. Two of the survival curves for decade of hire overlap unless they are jointly stratified by age in 1985, indicat.ing that joint stratification is important to maintain the proportional hazards assump.tion. This approach allows us to maintain the assumption of proportional hazards and to finely adjust for lung cancer secular trends and attained age but does not adjust twice for year of birth within the same model.Our analytic approach also included sensi tivity analyses with and without total years of employment as a time.dependent covariate to assess its effect as a potential confounder. Morfeld suggests that adjusting cumulative exposure by duration of employ.ment time reduces cumulative exposure to an estimate of long.term average concen.tration. We agree that if exposure in our workers was relatively constant, cumulative exposure would be the simple product of duration and average exposure. However, exposure varies considerably over time and between and within jobs. Therefore, it is not surprising that the results for duration and average exposure are not similar to those for the cumulative exposure