摘要:a c k g r o u n d: In biomedical research, the past two decades have seen the advent of in vitro model systems based on stem cells, humanized cell lines, and engineered organotypic tissues, as well as numerous cellular assays based on primarily established tumor-derived cell lines and their geneti-cally modified derivatives.oB j e c t i v e: There are high hopes that these systems might replace the need for animal testing in regulatory toxicology. However, despite increasing pressure in recent years to reduce animal testing, regulators are still reluctant to adopt in vitro approaches on a large scale. It thus seems appropriate to consider how we could realistically perform regulatory toxicity testing using in vitro assays only.di sc u ss i o na n dco n c l u s i o n: Here, we suggest an in vitro–only approach for regulatory testing that will benefit consumers, industry, and regulators alike
关键词:alternative testing approach; chemical safety testing; in vitro testing strategy; ;in vivo testing; regulatory acceptance; stem cells; Tox-Test Dummy