首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月14日 星期五


  • 标题:Православие и коммунистическая квазирелигия
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  • 作者:Андреева Л. А
  • 期刊名称:Социосфера (Sociosphere)
  • 印刷版ISSN:2078-7081
  • 出版年度:2010
  • 卷号:4
  • 出版社:Centre of science publishing
  • 摘要:The ideological bases of support by broad masses of bols heviks a nd the Soviet authority after October revolution of 1917 reveal in the article. Their aspects caused by disappointment in Orthodoxy as official religion of Ru ssia n empire in connection with discrepancy of sociopolitical positions of orthodox church to social and economic interests of people, and first of all peasantry come to light. Receives judgement process of transformation of religious layers of mass consciousness which content made repla cement of orthodox religiousness by bolshevik interpretation of the communist outlook similar to religion by the totalitarian character, absolutization of some doctrine paradigms and idolize some images
  • 关键词:bolsheviks; Soviet authority; October revolution; Orthodoxy; mass con;sciousness; trans formation