The article Dimensions of Research in the current issue of Sportscience provides a framework to help people conceptualise different approaches to problem solving and the acquisition of knowledge. I consider the article to be useful, timely, and worthy of publication. I wonder if the article is itself part of the beginnings of a paradigm shift in Kuhn’s terms: a response to a perceived crisis with respect to the prevailing confusion amongst many research students and supervisors? The accompanying slideshow provides an excellent complement to the article. This presentation, or sections of it as appropriate, would make a useful contribution to upper level undergraduate or graduate studies in exercise science. In the slideshow, the point is well made about the need to disseminate research findings in an appropriate form. This crucial aspect of research is sometimes neglected. Some academics describe themselves as active in research yet rarely publish their work or even present it at scientific meetings. In essence, if research findings are not disseminated, the research effectively does not exist. My comments relating to particular sections of the article and slideshow are set out below.