摘要:For more than three decades, Vinyard Software's two ITERATE (Interna-tional Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events) datasets have set the standard in events research for terrorism researchers. It has recently been supplemented by the DOTS (Data on Terrorist Subjects) biographies project, which covers all terrorists, supporters, and other individuals mentioned in the ITERATE project.The textual version of ITERATE covers the genesis of contemporary inter-national terrorism from 1960 through today. It is available in MSWord/WordPerfect format, and is based upon the chronologies published by Ed Mickolus, Todd Sandler, Jean Murdock, Peter Flemming and Susan Sim-mons with Greenwood Press and Iowa State University Press.ITERATE's numeric version, in Excel format, covers 1968 through today, coding the incidents discussed in the textual chronologies. It combines a family of four distinct but interrelated files, which count the most salient components of international terrorism