摘要:Bu .al..man.n amac., fizik ..retmenlerinin ba.lam temelli yakla..m konusundaki g.r¨¹.lerini belirlemektir..al..mada .zel durum metodolojisi kullan.lm..t.r. .al..man.n .rneklemini 2008¨C2009 ..retim y.l.nda Trabzon ilindeki liselerde g.rev yapan g.n¨¹ll¨¹ 20 fizik ..retmeni olu.turmaktad.r. .al..mada veri toplama arac. a..k u.lu anket kullan.lm..t.r. .al..ma sonucunda ..retmenlerin ba.lam temelli yakla..m hakk.nda yeterli bilgiye sahip olmad.klar.sonucuna ula..lm..t.r. .al..ma, ..retmenlerin ba.lam temelli yakla..m hakk.nda seminerlerle ve k.lavuzlarla bilin.lendirilmesi gerekti.i .nerileriyle tamamlanm..t.r
其他摘要:The aim of this study is to determine physics teachers views about contextbased approach. The case study metodology was used in this study. The sample is consist of 20 volunteer physics teachers who work at high school in Trabzon in 2008¨C2009 instruction year. The data was collected by using open-ended questionary. At the end of this study, it is determined that teachers have lack of information about context based approach. Andstudy is concluded with the suggestions; in service courses including context based approach should be organised for teachers and teachers should be awared ofwith guidesabout context based approach
关键词:.lam temelli yakla..m; fizik ..retmenleri; fizik dersi
其他关键词:Context based approach; physics teache;rs; physics lesson