摘要:Bu .al..man.n amac.; beden e.itimi ve spor y¨¹ksekokulunda ..renim g.ren k.z ..rencilerin premenstr¨¹el sendrom d¨¹zeylerini belirlemektir.Ara.t.rman.n .rneklemi, Sel.uk ¨¹niversitesi Beden E.itimi ve Spor Y¨¹ksekokulu ile Karamano.lu Mehmetbey ¨¹niversitesi Beden E.itimi ve Spor Y¨¹ksekokulunda ..renim g.ren 76 k.z ..renciden olu.mu.tur. .lk olarak ara.t.rman.n amac.na y.nelik literat¨¹r taramas. sistematik olarak yap.lm.. daha sonra Halbreichve Endicott (1982) taraf.ndan geli.tirilmi. olan T¨¹rk.eyeDereboy ve arkada.lar. (1994) taraf.ndan .evrilmi., ge.erlik ve g¨¹venilirlik .al..mas. yap.lm.. Premenstr¨¹el Sendrom.l.e.i (PMS.) tesad¨¹fi .rneklem yoluyla Sel.uk ¨¹niversitesi Beden E.itimi ve Spor Y¨¹ksekokulu ve Karamano.lu Mehmetbey ¨¹niversitesi Beden E.itimi ve Spor Y¨¹ksekokulunda ..renim g.ren 76 k.z ..renciye uygulanm..t.r.Verilerin ..z¨¹mlenmesinde tan.mlay.c. istatistiklerkullan.lm..t.r. Verilerin de.erlendirilmesinde ve hesaplanm.. de.erlerin bulunmas.nda SPSS (Statistical package for social sciences) paket program. kullan.lm.. ve .l.e.in g¨¹venilirlik katsay.s. (Cronbach Alpha) 0. 76 bulunmu.tur.Ara.t.rma bulgular.na g.re; beden e.itimi ve spor y¨¹ksekokulunda ..renim g.ren ..rencilerinin premenstr¨¹el d.nemlerinde kendilerini ¨¹zg¨¹n, yorgun, sinirli, eklem a.r.s., tatl. yeme iste.i ve v¨¹cutta .i.kinlik hissi ya.ad.klar. saptanm..t.r
其他摘要:The aim of this project, to learn what is the premenstr¨¹el syndrome levelof girls, who is studying at the school of physical education.This work had exemplificated in 76 female students at Selcuk University, The School of Physical Education and Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, The School of Physical Education.Firstly, literature scaning had done systematical fort he aim of work, then Premenstr¨¹el Syndrome Scale (PMSO) which was improved by Halbreich and Endicott(1982), that translated by Dereboy and friends and checked, had completed among 76 female students at Selcuk University, The School of Physical Education by coincidental example.For analyzingof datawe used descriptive statistics. For assessment of dataand for find calculated results we used a packet program, SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Then we found the reability exponent of scale as 0.76.As you see, results like that students who are studying at the school of physical education, feel sad, tired, aggressive, swelling on thier body and have pain at joints and want to eat sweet things at premenstr¨¹el periods