摘要:Obtaining efficient security without compromising privacy is a primary issue in vehicular communication. Though many counterparts proposed solutions in this regard, accommodating scalability, security and traceability altogether is a difficult task due to the contradictions between these qualities. Some of the previous studies suggests RSU based authentication to address the above issues, while others propose independent OBU authentication. In either scheme, any one of the entities is overloaded during key generation and verification processes. The proposed scheme addresses these issues, by distributing the workload between OBUs and RSUs to outperform other protocols. We propose a novel scheme, in which OBUs generate short-lived public keys on the fly and other vehicles can verify them with the help of RSUs. This protocol also admits certificate-less authentication, in addition to aggregated signature verification. Therefore, the total verification time can be drastically reduced in the proposed scheme. We analyze the proposed protocol significantly to demonstrate its efficiency.