摘要:In this paper, an estimate of the expected maximum water levels associated with tide and tsunami interaction is computed along the coastal belts of Penang Island in Peninsular Malaysia. For this purpose, a nonlinear Polar coordinate shallow water model of the Indonesian tsunami of 2004 by Roy et al. (2007b) is used. Appropriate tidal condition is generated in the domain by applying tidal forcing through the western open sea boundary. For studying tide and tsunami interaction, the 2004 Indonesian tsunami is introduced in the previously generated tidal oscillation. The expected maximum possible water level along the coastal belts of Penang Island is estimated based on the interaction of tide and tsunami for different tidal conditions (high and low tidal periods). It is seen that the surge level is very sensitive towards the coastal belts due to interactionduring high tide. The west coast of Penang Island is found to be vulnerable for stronger surge due to interaction. The influence of tidal wave on the tsunami wave height towards Penang Island is also investigated. The tide was found to have a significant effect in tsunami enhancement in the coastal regions.
关键词:Tide; Surge; Penang Island; Indonesian Tsunami 2004