出版社:Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Gujarat
摘要:A recent news headline read ¨C '6 peoplewere battling for their lives in Mayapuri, scrap-yard area of New Delhi.' The culprit was theradio active cobalt 60 isotope which was found inscrap area. Later it was found that the waste cameform a hospital1.It was estimated by pollution controlboard that the amount of biomedical wastegenerated per year in the country amounted tomore than 12000 metric tons. But only half of thisbio-medical waste is reported to be treated.2These two citations illustrate the presentscenario of health care waste management inIndia. The Government of India has enacted theBio-medical Waste - BMW (Management andHandling) Rules 1998, more than 12 year ofimplementation. Under these rules, it ismandatory for all hospitals and health carefacilities to ensure that the bio-medical waste behandled and managed without any harm to thehuman health and the environment3. The law hasdefined the bio-medical waste as 'any wastewhich is generated during the diagnosis, treatmentor immunization of human beings or animals or inresearch activities pertaining thereto or in theproduction or testing of biologicals, includingcategories mentioned in Schedule I of the law'