出版社:Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Gujarat
摘要:BACKGROUND: Acute respiratory tractinfection is a major cause of morbidity andmortality in developing and also developedcountries. About 13 million children under 5years of age die every year in the world; 95% ofthem in developing countries and one third oftotal deaths due to ARI.OBJECTIVE: To study some of the risk factorswhich are responsible for occurrence of ARI inunder five age groups living in urban and ruralareas of Ahmedabad district.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A crosssectional study covering 500 under five childrenin urban (five zone) and rural (five PHC ofsanand taluka) area of Ahmedabad district fromSeptember 2008 to March 2009.RESULTS: A significant association was foundbetween ARI and low birth weight, timelyinitiation of breast feeding, prelactal feeding,timely given complementary feeding andimmunization status. No significant associationwas found between ARI and duration of breastfeeding. Occurrence of ARI was found to be 22%.It was more in low birth weight babies (<2.5 kg)(36.18%).Occurrence of ARI was lower in urbanarea (17.2%) as compared to rural area (26.8%) .In rural area, it is more because of lack of basichealth services, lack of awareness etc,
关键词:cross sectional study; random;sampling method; chi square test and Epi info for;analysis