出版社:Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Gujarat
摘要:BACKGROUND: Malaria mortality is a publichealth challenge that has been met with varioussolutions. Malaria eradication is still a day dreamfor our country and perhaps for our futuregeneration too.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To find out the causeof death of 17 deaths due to P. Falciparum and P.Vivax(Mix Infection) and associate co-morbiditiesin New Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, GujaratMETHODOLOGY: A retrospective study wasdone on 17 malaria death patients in New CivilHospital, Ahmedabad. Detailed history fromstarting of first symptom to death with theirlaboratory investigation was taken in preformed,structured proforma and analyzed in MicrosoftExcel and compared with State and Nationalmortality data.RESULTS: During our study period of October2006 to November 2007, 17 deaths were recordedin Hospital due to malaria. 5 patients died due tocomplications of Plasmodium Vivax infection and12 patients died due to Plasmodium falciparum.Maximum patients (88.2%) presented with fever(Intermittent and Continuous). Immediate causeof death due to complication was maximum withAcute Renal Failure (29.4%) followed by AcuteRespiratory Distress Syndrome (23.5%) andSepticemia (23.5%). Our death data arecontradictory from state and national mortalitydata due may be to under reporting of malariadeaths by authority
关键词:Death audit; P. Falciparum; P.;Vivax; Malaria mortality