出版社:Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Gujarat
摘要:INTRODUCTION: Influenza is well known tocause frequent epidemics. Awareness about it willbe the best measure of to avoid "flu" as well as toreduce the complications and resultantmorbidities.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To find out levelof awareness amongst urban population ofSurendanagar and 2. To explicate the awarenesswith the socio-demographic characteristics of thepopulation.MATERIALS AND METHODS: 5% of the wardpopulation in randomly selected ward weresubjected to house to house survey. Data wascollected using presdesigned, pretested proforma.RESULTS: Majority of males had education uptoprimary followed by secondary while 34% offemales were illiterate. Majority of males werelabourers while females were house wives.Majority of the families belonged to Social classIV. Only 58% had heard of influenza, 75% ofthem, males. Nearly 44% of those who wereaware did not know about preventive measures.RECOMMENDATIONS: Large scale I.E.Cactivities using popular media, group discussions,demonstrations etc to create awareness and spreadknowledge of preventive measures should betaken up.