期刊名称:International Journal of Social Sciences and Education
出版社:Federal College of Education
摘要:T he research paper aims to inv estigate the gender inclusion in the textbooks used for teaching Englis h language at the secondary level in Pak istan. The issue is impor tant k eeping in mind the central role played by the textbooks in the Pakistani education system. T he approv ed textbooks have been called the 'pillars of quality' (Aly 2007, p.17), by the ministry of education Pakistan and the textbooks in the state schools are published by the gov ernment which are compulsory for all students . The findings of this res earch paper ar e bas ed on the content analys is of the three Englis h language textbooks published by the Punjab textbook board, questionnaire and interviews. The paper argues for a broader understanding of the iss ue and its importance in the Pakistani society as the res ults indicated that Englis h teachers at the s econdary level see the textbooks inclusive in gender terms , however the content analys is and interviews has portrayed a different picture. The curr iculum of English language at the secondar y level in Pakistan has stres sed that along with the functional competency the inclusive aspects of education need to be reflected in the textbooks. As, the message delivered by the content of the textbook s shapes the opinions of the s tudents in a subtle manner. Inclus ive content in terms of gender will lead towar ds the dev elopment of the aware citizen where equality is celebr ated and gender specific supremacy is deter red.
关键词:Textb ooks; gen der; inclusio n; En glish curricu lum; Eq uali ty.