期刊名称:International Journal of Social Sciences and Education
出版社:Federal College of Education
摘要:Long's Interaction Hypothes is (1996) focuses on the outstanding facilitating role of feedback in accordance with the linguistic and communicativ e success and failure of learner s' utterances. A number of SLA researcher s have investigated the effectiveness of recasts, prompts, and models; howev er, little research has empirically tested the direct link between teachers ' intentions and correctness of lear ners' cognition. This study aims at materializing teachers' intentions with paralinguistic devices and length of feedback on increasing learner s' cognition. Thus 45 learners of English with inter mediate level assigned to three groups as the par ticipants for each of the two hypotheses while employing Chi-square as statistical means of analys is. The res ults proved the paralinguistic devices presumption in recasts and pr ompts, and models, though length of feedback showed a significance relationship in r ecasts and models, but not in prompts . The study car ries s ignificant implications for SLA researchers and language teachers
关键词:Inten tion; cog nitio n; recast s; pro mpts; mo dels