摘要:An App lication prog rammin g interface o r API is a set of ro utines, pro tocols, and to ols for bu ild ings oftware app lications . A go od API m ak es it easier to develop a prog ram b y provid ing all the bu ildingb locks. A programmer then pu ts th e blo ck s to gether. M any comp an ies prov ide free API services which canb e utilized in Control Systems. SCADA is an examp le of a control system and it is a sy stem th at collectsd ata from vario us sensors at a factory, plant or in oth er remote lo cation s and then sends this data to acentral co mpu ter which then m an ag es and co ntrols th e data. In this p ap er, we designed a scheme forW eather Cond itio n in Intern et SCADA Env iro nment u tilizing data fro m an extern al App lication Prog ramInterface. The scheme was d esig ned to do uble check th e weather information in SCADA
关键词:SCADA; Co ntro l Systems; App lication Pro gram Interface