摘要:Sup erviso ry Cont rol and DataAcq uisition s ystems is a co mpu ter system for gatherin g and analyzing realtim e data. SCADA systems can b e relatively simple, su ch as one that m onitors en vironm en tal cond itio ns ofa small office b uilding , or incredib ly co mplex, such as a system that mon ito rs all th e activity in a n uclearp ower plant or the activity of a m unicipal water sy stem . SCADA system s are b asically Pro cess Con tro lSy stem s, desig ned to au tomate sy stem s such as traffic control, p ower grid m an agement, waste processingetc. C onn ecting SC ADA to the In ternet can provide a lot of advantages in terms of co ntrol, d ata viewingan d generatio n. SCADA in fras tructures like electricity can also b e a part o f a Sm art Grid . C onn ectingSCADA to a pu blic network can bring a lo t of security issues. In this p aper, we pro pos e a SCADAco mmun ication security solu tion utilizin g th e CC Scheme
关键词:SCADA; Security Issues; Encry ption; C ross ed Crypto -scheme; Smart Gird