摘要:Despite o f many p ractical b enefits of m obile agen t these techno log y results in a sign ificant new secu rityth reats fro m maliciou s agents and ho sts. One of th e added comp lications is th e change of state in way sth at adversely im pact the fu nctionality of agen t as it trav erses in multiple hosts . With primary add edco mplicatio n, this paper investigates the threat and pres en ts a s olution usin g encry ption an d dig ital sig ningtechn iq ues for pro vidin g con fidentiality, data integrity and auth en ticity . We us e b oth encryptio n and d igitals igning tech niqu es for prov id ing co nfid en tiality , d ata integrity and au thenticity . The do cument itself isp artially sig ned b y m ultiple no des witho ut b reaking the dig ital signatures
关键词:Ag en t Security ; Mob ile Ag en t; Cry ptog raph y