摘要:Accord ing to develop ment of IT techno logy , u ser u sing d ev ice con nect netwo rk an d p rov ide serv ice.This en viro nment is ubiq uitou s environm en t. Ub iq uitou s is term that the meaning is 'anytim e, any wh ereex is t.' in Latin. The user need a sm all device for co nnect n etwo rk while m ovin g. RFID is core tech nolo gyin ub iq uitou s environm en t. The RFID is radio frequency id en tificatio n techno logy , th e b arcord has b eens upersed ed by the RFID techn ology
关键词:Ub iquito us; RFID; Secu rity tech nolo gy; Stand ards; Indu stry tren d