摘要:Each co untries set evaluation criterion that ev alu ate capacity an d trust of informatio n security systemaccording to d ev elo pment of IT tech nolo gy. U.S set evaluation criterion TCSEC(Trusted Co mpu ter SystemEvaluation Criteria) in 19 85, the criterion called "Orange Boo k". Thereafter each coun tries set evaluationcriterion by con tinued, for examp le, Green Bo ok series in England , Blue-White Bo ok series in Germ an y,B lue-Wh ite-Red Book series etc. B ritain, Germ an y, France and The Neth erlands coo perate an d set com moncriterion in 199 0. Canada set evaluation criterion CTCPEC(Can ad ian Trusted Com puter Pro duct EvaluationC riteria) in 19 91. In the n ex t b reath, the FC (Fed eral Criteria) replaced TCSEC was d is tribu ted in 19 93J an uary b y U.S.'s NIST
关键词:In formation security prod uct; TCSEC; ITSEC; CTCPEC; Co mmo n Criteria