摘要:A distributio n system exists to manage th e flow of goo ds at a min imum cos t. However, cu rrently mo sto f shipp ing co mpanies and mass stores are usin g b ar cod es to m an ag e the flo w and stock o f g ood s andemp loyees are wasting a lot of tim e check ing prod uction date on e by o ne. In th is th esis , we have ch eckedth e d ifference b etween RFID and b ar code usin g in dis tribu tion sy st em s, and an aly zed b en efits from usingR FID system in distrib ution system. With the su ggested sys tem , as a result, we h av e co ncluded th at th ereis a n umb er of efficien cy improv em en t( (1.43 + ( - )) per 1 ea. ) tho ugh there is the time d ifference¦Á ¦Âb etween manu al b ar code scannin g ( ) and auto matic R FID scan ning ( ). With the result, we h av e¦Á¦Âco ncluded that we can have n ot o nly redu cin g time and hu man resou rces cost bu t ben efits fro m au tomated,h igh-speeded system
关键词:Distribu tion Sy stem; RFID; Bar co de; Lo cation Track ing System; Tag