摘要:As com panies exp and their p resence glo bally, there arises a need for s ecure electronic com mun icationsb etween geog raphically disp ersed locatio ns. Virtual priv ate networks (VPNs) p rov ide an econ omically viableo ption to address th is n eed. A VPN is a priv ate netwo rk that uses th e pu blic Intern et to eith er co nnectremote u sers to the comp an y's in ternal network o r establish a seamless co nnection between th e co mpany 'sp hys ically is olated sites. Since a VPN u ses the Intern et it mu st prov id e secu rity features like encry ption ands tron g au thenticatio n to p ro tect th e con fidentiality of in ternal com pany data. Th us there is a need forp enetration testing of a VPN to discov er v ulnerab ilities. A p en etration tes tin g of a VPN is s ugg ested in thep ap er