摘要:Critical Infrastructure or CI are s o crucial an d p lay a vital role in the so ciety. A d am ag e or break ag e ofit will have a h uge effect o n h umanity and eco nomy . Supervisory Control an d Data Acq uisition Systems(SCADA) p lay a b ig ro le on Critical Infrastructure sin ce mos t o f these infrastru ctu res are controlled byco ntro l sys tems like SCADA. In th is p ap er, we discuss the vu lnerabilities of a SCADA system, its effect toth e s ociety an d the way s to prevent such v ulnerab ilities. We also researched on th e back groun d of theSCADA system an d its comp arability to the com mon comp uter s ystem is discussed
关键词:SCADA; Con trol Systems; Critical Infrastructure Vu lnerability