摘要:With em ergin g new tech nolo gy and facilities in reg ards with th e internet, the demand of co nnectings ystems to th e intern et is in creas in g. This is also the case of SCADA sys tems . Conv ention al SCADA isco nnected o nly in a lim ited p riv ate netwo rk . Becau se SCADA is consid ered a critical in fras tructure, andco nnecting to the internet is putting th e so ciety on jeop ardy , som e op erators h old back on con nectin g it toth e internet. But since the in ternet SCADA facility has bro ugh t a lo t o f ad vantages in term s o f control,d ata viewing and generation . Along with these ad vantages, are secu rity issu es reg arding web SCADA,o perators are p ush ed to con nect SC ADA systems throug h the internet. Because of this , m an y issu esregard ing s ecurity su rfaced. In this p ap er, we d iscu ss web SCADA and its conn ectivity alo ng with th eis sues reg arding security . To ans wer the secu rity issues, a web SCADA secu rity solu tio n u sing crossedcrypto scheme is propo sed
关键词:SCADA; Security Issu es; Encryption ; Cro ssed Cryp to s ch em e