摘要:In the ubiq uitou s co mputin g en vironm en t, future sm art co mpu ters will be provid ed with the propers ervices fo r in teractin g with h umans. To prov ide the rig ht service, it sh ould need to reco gnize fo r th es ystem to in teract what is th e user n eeds . Bu t the current develop er centered d ev elo pment are focus ed onth e sys tem , this may b e hard to k now wh at the user needs are. To recog nize the user needs an d to reflectth e sys tem develop ment, we propo sed User Behavio r Bas ed Software Dev elo pment Metho dolo gy. Bu t thisp ap er o nly mention s data extraction based o n us er behav io r an aly sis in part o f the metho dolog y. Secu rityp ro blem will also be applied by the user behav io r an aly sis
关键词:UBBSDA(User Behavio r Based So ftware Dev el opment Method olog y); User Needs;Requ irement Eng ineering ; UBA(Us er Behavio r An aly sis); Ubiqu itou s Com putin g