摘要:A new generation of In ternet protocol is o n its way to solv e the g ro wth of IP address depletion. It isin a proces s th at may tak e several years to complete. The d ep loym en t raises consid erable n ew issues in itsv ulnerab ility and secu rity. This p aper reviews som e o f the improv em en ts associated with the n ew Internetp ro tocol version 6, an emph asis on its secu rity related function ality particularly in its au thenticatio n and..co ncludes with a hyb rid cryp tosy stem fo r its authentication issue
关键词:M obile IPv6; Secu rity ; Auth en tication ; Adv an ced En cryptio n Standard (AES); Ellip tic C urv e;C ryp tograp hy (ECC)