摘要:In th is p ap er we propo se th e LSB tech niqu e for secu re data transfer. Secret in formation can b e h iddenin side all so rts of cover information: tex t, images, au dio, v ideo and mo re. Embedd ing secret messages ind igital so und is u sually a more difficu lt process. Varieties of tech niqu es fo r embedd in g info rm atio n ind igital audio h av e been established . These are parity cod in g, p hase codin g, spread sp ectrum, echo hidin g,LSB. Least significan t b its (LSB) in sertion is one of the simp lest app ro aches to em beddin g informatio n inau dio file
关键词:LSB t echn ique; watermark in g; data hid ing; p arity co ding; emb ed ded in fo rm ation