摘要:Lane Design fo r Optimal Traffic (LDOT) is consid ered as an effective too l to improve the level oftraffic s ervices. It integrates the newly emerg ed IT tech nolog ies with th e tradition al traffic eng ineering. Byp ro vidin g th e traffic partn ers with better com mun ication s, LDOT can s ig nificantly bo ost th e trafficm an agements an d operatio ns. M eanwh ile, h owev er, th e deplo yment of th e LDOT applications often invo lv esa h uge amou nt of inv es tm en ts, wh ich may be d isco urag ing in a ch alleng ing econo my lik e n ow. Thereforeh ow to in creas e th e co st effectiveness of the LDOT sys tems is a widely concertin g issu e. There has b een..a lim ited research effort on the op timizatio n o f th e LDOT systems
关键词:LDOT (Lan e Desig n for Optimal Traffic); Lane; Trans ition (Crosso ver).