摘要:M ost o f SCADA systems are Critical Infrastru ctu res, so are vital to a nation and th e incap acity ord estruction o f such sys tems wou ld h ave eno rmo us impact o n the n atio n's security , nation al pu blic health ors afety or any com bination o f tho se matters. SCADA secu rity no waday s is mo stly abou t p rov iding a useful,b ut mainly "assured " metho ds to assess SCADA networks security . A lot of presen ters talk ab out DefCo n,B lackHats, password and vu lnerability databases, SCADA tes in g/assesing features. But the secu rity do es n'ts top with the hackers. This paper pres en ts a new app roach to SCADA s ecurity
关键词:SCADA Secu rity ; Control Sy stem s; Cri tical Infrastru ctu re Security