摘要:It is widely suggested in the literature that words are based on words, roots, or stems, but not onphrases (the "No Phrase" Constraint). In Modern Georgian, constructions such as megobar-ta-gan-i '[one, some] of the friends' are common; they appear to violate the "No Phrase" Constraintbecause gan 'from' is traditionally considered a postposition. In this example, -i, the marker ofthe nominative case, serves as both inflectional and derivational morphology, deriving asubstantive, apparently from the postpositional phrase. The paper demonstrates that theconstruction at issue originated in double case marking. Old Georgia had case marking of thissort, in which case markers occurred not only on head nouns, but also at the right edges ofphrases. The same phenomenon was found with postpositional phrases inside an NP, and it isproposed here that although Modern Georgian does not have double case marking, it is theorigin of the modern construction discussed here