摘要:This article analyses how the concept of "adaptive leadership" enabled Lithuania to Chair the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in 2011 as well as how such experience enhanced Lithuania's "smart power". It argues that the OSCE needs to demonstrate "adaptive leadership" and enhance its own "smart" power in order to enable it to evolve and thrive in a time of challenges and change. Firstly, the paper briefly reviews the key elements of "adaptive leadership", "soft" and "smart power" concepts followed by the case study analysis which identifies the applicability of such concepts throughout the Lithuanian Chairmanship and within the OSCE. Secondly, the article offers examples of constraints that countries pursuing adaptive leadership within the OSCE face. Finally, the paper looks at the contributions of public diplomacy to the development of "smart power" and exercise of leadership. Authors hope that the article will interest future Chairmanships enhancing the Chair's and the OSCE's "smart" power, thus, giving the organization a sharper profile, a clear set of objectives, and the means of achieving them