期刊名称:Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
出版社:Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
摘要:Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) were once thought to be uncommon. The firstepidemiological studies of autism reported a prevalence of 4 per 10000 in the mid 1960s[1]. However, the last few decades have seen a significant rise in the prevalence of ASD,although the reasons for this are unclear. Based on a recent worldwide systematic review,the median prevalence estimate of ASD was 62/10000 [2]. Prevalence rates in some partsof the world were significantly higher, for example the rates of ASD were found to bearound 2% in Korea [3]. Most of the recent studies conducted in the western populationhave reported prevalence rates of around 1% of the child population [4, 5]. Although,research in India suffers from a severe lack of epidemiological studies in this area, it isestimated that the prevalence figures may not be very different from the rest of the world.Despite the increasing prevalence of ASD, there is a huge gap between the needs and theservices available for these children in India