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  • 作者:Simion Mariana ; Simion Cristian Ovidiu ; Farcas Nicolae
  • 期刊名称:Annals : Food Science and Technology
  • 电子版ISSN:2065-2828
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 卷号:10
  • 期号:1
  • 出版社:Valahia University Press
  • 摘要:Once with the entrance in European Union, at the national level occurred a series of changes compelled by the Union on the agro-alimentary products' improvement, among them also being the milk quality. So, in the milk quality appraisal it has been imposed the performance of the laboratory analysis, in certified laboratories, of the fresh milk probes, randomized taken, derived from the non-vocational farms or exploitations of milk livestock producer. This appraisal was necessary to establish the traceability with the aim to provide the food safety along the entire chain from the processing farm until the end consumer. For quality milk is outside of breeding healthy animals and normal composition, must be obtained in terms of hygiene, conditioning his right delevery and processing and sale of appropriate conditions. In this paper we analyzed the milk quality al the level or Teleorman County in the year 2008, from the point of view of the total amount of germs, of somatic cells, of fat and protein percent. In order to asses these parameters they have been used the analysis methods asserted by the Commission Regulations (EC) No 1664/2006 amending Regulation(EC) No 2074/2005 as regards implementing measures for certain products of animal origin designed for the human consumption. So by the Order No 69023/2007 of the National Authority Sanitary Veterinary and for the Food Safety and the Direction of Hygiene and Public Health established markers and parameters where the milk must enclosed form the qualitative poit of view, observing the EU requests in the field. These indicators imposed by the European community are required to be done after 2009 and according to the classification of milk in these parameters is to conform ar comply, thereby setting the destination of
  • 关键词:milk; quality; analysis ;1. INTRODUCTION ;The bacteria and germs represent vegetal or ;animal microscopic organisms; these come ;both from the caw's udder; and especially from ;the exterior environment . milker; buckets; by ;getting manure in the milk while the caw is ;milked. ;The bacteria are microorganisms which; when ;the temperature doesn't drop bellow 4-6oC; ;propagate three times each minute; so from a ;bacterium in 7 hours can propagate two ;millions bacteria. The bacteria from the milk ;are responsible for the lactic; butyric; propionic ;fermentation; others are involved in ;putrefaction; and others; the coliforms; coming ;from the environment. The bacteria amount ;from milk give a precise information about the ;milking hygiene; and the conservation of the ;caw milk. ;The somatic cells from milk come from the ;caw's udder and give information about the ;fetus that either emerge clinical signs; or not ;(the disease isn't visible); the caw has the udder ;sick . the disease is called mastitis. The ;mastitis is an infectious disease which emerges ;following the inflammation of the udder's ;tissue because the microbes from the udder. ;The somatic cells are cell especially made in ;the caw's body to fight against the bacteria ;infections. The somatic cells are especially ;represented by the leucocytes and the epithelial ;cells which cover the secretive alveoli. The ;milk coming from caws suffering of mastitis is ;called mastitis milk. ;So; to get milk according to the EU standards ;they must be observed the following: ;- The milking hygiene. the milking must be ;performed in the established hygiene ;conditions by the —Sanitary veterinary norm on ;the general hygiene rules in the milk farms"; ;- Immediate after the milking; the milk must be ;placed in a clean place; so that to allow the ;avoidance of its qualitative depreciation; so if ; var currentpos;timer; function initialize() { timer=setInterval("scrollwindow()";10);} function sc(){clearInterval(timer); }function scrollwindow() { currentpos=document.body.scrollTop; window.scroll(0;++currentpos); if (currentpos != document.body.scrollTop) sc();} document.onmousedown=scdocument.ondblclick=initializeAnnals. Food Science and Technology ;2009 ;Available on-line at ;www.afst.valahia.ro;Vol. 10; Issue 1; 2009 ;58;the milk isn't collected in maximum 2 hour ;from the milking it has to be cooled at a ;temperature of 8;0;C or lower; in the case of ;daily collecting; and at 6;0;C or lower; in case ;when the collection it isn't daily; ;- During the transport to the treatment and ;processing unit the cold milk temperature ;doesn't have to exceed 10;0;C; excepting the ;cases when it has been collected in maximum 2 ;hours from milking; ;- It must be a hygiene of rooms; equipments; ;and devices; so that when the milk touches ;them doesn't contaminate; the equipment; ;devices must be made of smooth materials; ;easy to clean and disinfect; persistent against ;corrosion and which don't transfer to the milk ;dangerous agents for the public health; ;- It must be hygiene of the personnel who deal ;with the milking and milk handling. ;In order to accept the fresh milk in the units for ;treatment and processing they have been ;enforced some standards as like the total ;amount of germs for the caw milk on the plate ;at 30;0;C (per. ml) which has to be lower or ;equal to 100;000; and the amount of somatic ;cells has to be lower or equal to 400;000; for ;the buffalo fresh milk the total amount of ;germs on the plate at 30;0;C must be lower or at ;least equal to 1;000;000; and the somatic cells ;amount has to be lower or at least equal to ;500;000. ;2. MATERIAL AND METHODS ;For the elaboration of this paper they were ;performed researches in several milk ;processing units; existing also collaboration ;with the sampling and processing laboratory of ;the milk probes belonging to the Direction ;Sanitary Veterinary and for Food Safety ;Teleorman. As a work method it has been used ;both the determination by the classic method of ;the total amount of germs; and using some ;modern devices for its determination. ;Although the amount of contained germs in ;one cm;3;of milk doesn't show the germs ;nature; however a very high value it ;emphasizes the pollution suffered by the milk ;during the vicious handling or treatments ;performed. ;With the purpose to find the total ;number of germs from the milk they are used ;direct and indirect methods. ;In the first group are the classical microscopic ;methods of computation; which are examined ;after coloration; and the number of germs is ;evaluated using the classic methods. ;Among the indirect methods; for determination ;of the total number of germs from the milk; the ;most used method and provided in the most of ;the standards is the Petri plates methods or the ;method defined by Koch. It starts from the ;reason that from each microorganism existing ;in the researched substrate it develops a culture ;when it is perform the insertion in an adequate ;nourishing environment. ;It must be define that even from a group of ;microorganisms it develops a culture. ;With the aim that the obtained results to be ;very close to the reality it must taken into ;consideration a series of factor such as: ;- The distilled water used for dilutions; it found ;to have a bactericide effect; therefore C. ;Ieni tea recommends as diluting mediums the ;sterile tap water; isotonic salt solution; distilled ;buffered water. ;- The Petri plate incubation must be performed ;depending on the microorganism type; which ;can be psihrofil; mezophyl or thermophyle. ;- The used nourishing substrate has to be as ;much as similar to the studied aliment. For this ;reason most frequently it is used even the ;respective aliment; sterilize or in an ;environment which has a very close ;composition of its composition. ;Among the indirect assessment methods of the ;milk bacterial content; they are also the ;reductase probe and catalase probe. The ;reductase is an enzyme of microbial origin of ;whose activity varies in a direct ratio with the ;bacterial content of the milk. ;. Working method . the probe with ;metilenum ceruleum: into a sterile test tube it is ;introduced 1 cm;3;of metilenum ceruleum ;(metilenum ceruleum 50 mg + 1000 cm;3;of ;distilled water; and 10 cm;3;of milk to be ;researched; previously wormed at 38 . 40;o;C.