摘要:Background: Recently new cereal based fibre rich food products have been developed by many food industries. But they are of high cost. Objective: In view of this, an attempt was made to utilize remnant of foods (fruit pomace and cauliflower greens) to develop low cost fibre rich products for people suffering from obesity, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia and to assess the sensory quality of developed products. Material and Methods: In the present study, fruit pomace and cauliflower greens were used at the level of 5%, 10% and 15% in the development of Chappati, pancake, buns and cookies whose acceptability was evaluated on 9-point hedonic scale. Results: The results of the study revealed that with increase in level of fruit pomace in Chappati, cookies and pancakes, no significant difference (p ≤0.0 5) was found in the acceptability of colour, flavor and texture and all were acceptable at all level of supplementation. However, the acceptability for texture of buns was decreased significantly (p ≤0. 05) . Similarly, Chapatti and pancakes supplemented with cauliflower greens were acceptable at all levels of supplementation but supplementation of cauliflower greens decreased the overall acceptability of cookies and buns. Conclusions- The products supplemented with fruit pomace were more acceptable than cauliflower greens. Both these food remnant can be efficiently used at home as well as commercial level to formulate fibre rich low cost health foods