Third year PhD candidate at the University of Oradea, under the guidance of Professor Mrs. Alina Bădulescu in the doctoral research project entitled: Doctoral studies and Ph.D. candidates for competitive research on a knowledge based society, a co-financed project by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013, Priority Axis 1. Education and training in support for growth and development of a knowledge based society I chose to present this subject in order to demonstrate the connection that exists between tourism and regional development. Having as research topic Tourism and development in the Euro regional context†I felt it would be appropriate to devote a subchapter in presenting the impact of tourism in regional development.
Thus I have analysed a number of specialised papers found at national and international level in order to achieve a synthesis on the approached topic. Authors such as Williams and Shaw (1991), Sharma (2004), Keskin and Cansiz (2010) were concerned with presenting the positive aspects of tourism in regional development. Condes (2004) presents on one hand the secrets regarding success in matter of tourist development, and on the other side he presents the possible risks that follow the development of tourism in a country / region (Condes 2004).
Following the gathered information we found that indeed tourism plays an important role in regional development.
The used research methodology consisted in using specialised literature in order to identify some models that illustrate the potential success of tourism in regional development.
The space-temporal development model of tourism proposed by Opperman (1993), although it was developed at national level represents a useful tool in illustrating the potential success of tourism in regional development. Miossec\’s model (Sharma 2004:300) describes the structural evolution of touristic regions in time and space. Butler (1980) develops a more complex model than the one of Miossec regarding the hypothetical development of a tourist area. There are a number of studies on the role of regional clusters in increasing regional competitiveness of an industry (Porter, 2000; Rocha, 2004) paying a special attention to clusters in tourism